Room 2
Room 2

Schools & Places of Worship
This room reflect the history of schools and places of worship in the area. These institutional offerings are often at the heart of community life, reflecting the values, traditions, and social structures of the people they serve.
Theme 1Schools and Places of Worship

Theme 2 1969 Earthquake

The Boland earthquake represents a significant event in South African history, not just for its physical impact but also for its social and economic repercussions. As the biggest and most destructive earthquake in South Africa’s history, it have tested the resilience of the community, infrastructure, and emergency responses of the time
Theme 3 Jewish Life in Ceres
The narrative of the Jewish community, reaching its peak in the 1930s and remaining vibrant into the second half of the century despite dwindling numbers, is a fascinating story of cultural endurance, identity, and contribution. The local Jewish community played a significant role in the civic and commercial life of the town.

Jewish Congregation
Theme 4 Ceres Then and Now
This exciting virtual exhibition showcases the historical importance of different areas within Ceres at various stages of its development. As you navigate through the hotspots, you will be surprised by the transformations Ceres has undergone, comparing its past appearances to its present state.
Theme 5 Klara Majola

A true story. The story of Klara Majola ( Violet Jansen) from the farm Die Eike, Witzenberg Valley, is a true account of a young girl’s bravery in search of her blind father.

+27 (0)23 312 2045
8 Oranje Street
Ceres, Western Cape