Social Outreach

Expanding the concept of a “community space” in the context of our museum is to include not just the physical spaces within the museum but also its outreach activities and presence in the community. By clicking on the different hashtags you can discover the diverse events and programs the museum present.
#reimagineyourspace, #InTheCommunity4TheCommunity , #Museums4Wellbeing, #thankful
#togryersmuseum, #museumevents, #yourwellbeingmatters, #museumeducation,
#Museums4Education, #saynotobullying, #ourcultureourpride, #YourMuseumYourStory,
#HeritageMatters, #CeresHistory, #MuseumObjects, #museumpower, #localhistory,
#ourcultureourpride, #knowledgeispower, #Museums4Wellbeing,
#environmentalandheritagetour, #friendsofthemuseum, #localtalentshowcase,

The museum plays a vital role in community engagements through its involvement in various social projects. These initiatives reflect the museum’s dedication not only to education and the preservation of our heritage but also to active participation in the well-being of our community.
Here are some of the key social projects that the museum engage in:
Coffee Jar Soup Project:
The Coffee Jar Soup Project is an effort to combat hunger and provide soup products in glass coffee jars to those in need during the colder winter months in Ceres. Community members are encouraged to donate non-perishable food items, which are then used to fill the coffee jars for nutritious soup.
Winter Donation Drive:
During this drive, the museum collects donations of clothes and blankets to distribute to the less fortunate. The success of this drive heavily depends on the generosity of community members, who donate items to ensure that everyone can face the winter with warmth and comfort. This initiative not only addresses immediate physical needs but also promotes a culture of giving and compassion within the community.
16 Days of Activism
Aligning with the global campaign against gender-based violence, the museum participates in the “16 Days of Activism” initiative. During this period, the museum becomes a hub for raising awareness about violence prevention. It collects donations of toiletries and other essentials for survivors of gender-based violence. All the toiletries are packed in care bags for victims and handed over to the Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit of Ceres. These care bags provide not only practical aid but also a symbol of support and solidarity from the community.
By supporting these social initiatives, the museum not only contributes to addressing some of the immediate needs of its community but also strengthens the ties between the museum and the people it serves. The dependence on community support and donations for these projects underscores a vital aspect of the museum’s operation: it thrives on and fosters a symbiotic relationship with the community. Each donation contributed by community members helps strengthen this bond, turning the museum into a true community space where culture, history, and social good meet.
If you would like to support any of our social outreach projects you are welcome to make a financial contribution directly to the museum.
Payments are safe and secure via Payfast.

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+27 (0)23 312 2045
8 Oranje Street
Ceres, Western Cape